UPDATE: Mina Shirakawa WITHDRAWN from Spark Joshi show and Meet & Greets
Due to circumstances beyond our control, Mina Shirakawa will not be able to stay for the Meet & Greets and the Lady Luck show.
If you purchased a Meet & Greet pass for Mina Shirakawa, you should receive a refund over the coming week.
If you purchased multiple Meet & Greets, there may be a delay due to the payment processor. Rest assured we will issue the refund as soon as we can.
If you do not receive the refund after 14 business days, please contact us with your order number and we will ensure that the refund is issued from our end as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Question:
If I purchased a Meet & Greet for Mina Shirakawa, can I use it for Momo Watanabe or anyone else?
To avoid confusion, Momo Watanabe (and others to be announced) must be purchased separately. Your pass for Mina Shirakawa will be refunded automatically over the coming days. There is no further action required on your part.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please stay tuned for announcements of others who will be part of the show as well as the Meet & Greets.

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